Sorry I'm late!... Come fly with me!

Well I knew it was too good to be true.. the blog that is... I'm actually impressed at how many posts I got in before the gap, and I'm also impressed that I'm coming back to it after only a week. Previous blogs I have left to simmer, but this one is worth it :) Anyway I apologise!

Moving On!

It's been a week since my last post and I've actually managed to tell a few of my friends that I could meet up face to face with. My best friend actually took me out to dinner with some of her family to celebrate (I've known her family since I was a kid so it wasn't awkward and weird!!) And so after telling those I posted it on Facebook so that everyone would know about the same time. I've got to say everyone has been really happy for me, I guess because they have known how much I've wanted it.. that I applied back in Nov 2009 and then was kept on the waitlist for so long.

Also, on Monday, I booked my flight!! Yay!! I did email Yummy's branch of STA for a quote, but they said to ring back.. so that's what I did. And I caught Jill, on her first day back at work I think, and she was excellent- she knew all about the CRP and flight options. When I was researching myself for flights.. I did look at STA online and they quoted £376 for Virgin and £410 for BA.
Now if anyone really knows me, they will know that I always go on holiday with Virgin, and have had alot better service with Virgin than on BA. But two of the boys are flying out on the BA flight, so it was perhaps a decision between going cheaper and with the airline I prefer... or going BA with company.
I weighed it up and decided that I am on a budget but wanted to go with the boys.. so I would go on BA as long as the flight wasn't more than £100 more expensive than Virgin. So I rang Jill, and instantly the flight she quoted was for BA and for £80 less than on the website. So it just shows what discounts you can get by going with a company in the know/ affiliate company.

So, now I'm sitting up in the early morning trying to fix my aunties netbook, so that she can use Skype and MSN and email to talk to me.. and it turns out shes been operating without an antivirus- Oh Joy! Teaching older relatives how to use technology must be one of the most difficult things in the world! But I've had to do it all now so that she and my Mum will be set for when I'm away... I intend to print out a book of comprehensive instructions too!!

So yes, the CRB is done, the flight is booked, just waiting on the Disney pack.. need to do the insurance (although I'm now thinking I'll go with the Disney insurance, just for ease and coverage) and then the Visa when it comes through. I'm well on my way!!

"Tell everybody I'm on my way,
New friends and new places to see.
With blue skies ahead yes, I'm on my way
And there's nowhere else that I'd rather be

Tell everybody I'm on my way,
And I'm loving every step I take.
With the sun beating down yes, I'm on my way
And I can't keep this smile off my face"

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