Is there a doctor in the house?!

Today I went to the doctor, for a general chat about my medication and going away. 

He was brilliant and looked up my medications and gave me a 3 month prescription to take with me. Also I asked him if there was anything to calm me down for flying (I'll explain in another post), and he's given me some Valium type tablets- and a challenge! He said that I was to take one at the weekend and then try and do something mentally challenging to see how my body responded and can then judge whether I need to take 1 or 2 before the flight (and when.. don't want to pass out walking through security!) So that will be a fun challenge for this weekend! 

Of course my doctor is beyond brilliant... he's amazing. Not only has he excellent judgement but he's so polite, I mean he actually shakes you hand when you go in. And he was asking all sorts of questions about Disney, how I found out about it, what I'd be doing etc. He also asked me if I needed and travel shots or anything else.. and then came the awkward bit-- 
See, I went to the doctors today with my Mum.. as I wasn't going for anything embarrassing, she had a list of things we needed to talk about and also she wanted a quick chat with him about her knee. So everything is fine, and then my doctor says for me to be careful out there and not to do anything too exciting like get pregnant! Which proceeded into a talk/quiz about STI's... Great. He was just talking in general, and said I'm a smart, sensible girl but my god does he know some horror stories! Haha!

Anyway, a pretty good day.. glad to have another thing to check off the list. Got opticians on Monday, reflexology (it's a friend of Mum's who said I could have a free treatment after I graduated) on Wednesday and then Embassy appointment on Friday so a somewhat busy week!

"Of course, it's been my experience, when you hit bottom,
the only place left to go is up."

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