Hakuna Matata

So my Disney pack arrived today!! Woohoo!!

Have sat and read it cover to cover.. though a lot of the forms that outline rules and restrictions I'll have to read again. Luckily don't have to do anything with any of the forms, they are merely for information. But it's just nice to finally have the pack and my employment letter from HRC, so now it just feels that much more official.

Have spent most of the day reading blogs, trying to pick up advice on insurance. I'm a bit more clued up on it than I thought I was, think I know that its between two options really... just want to be fully covered so that I don't have to worry in case I do get sick. Hakuna Matata!

Am pretty sure that when we hear about our visas that I'm going to stay up in London the night before. I live on the south coast, about an hour and a half from Victoria, but most people have said the earlier you get an appointment at the Embassy the better otherwise you are in for a lot of wating. So yea, that would mean I'd have to get the 6am train from here... and the price would be around £50. So it may just be better to stay overnight in a hotel, if I can get a cheap deal and maybe get to know a few of the guys better before we go and maybe have a fun day in London.

"It means no worries, for the rest of your days
It's our problem-free, philosophy
Hakuna Matata!"

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