Gift Baskets

Just wanted to quickly say about the terrible earthquake in New Zealand today.. if there is anyone reading my blog from anywhere around there. I'm sure you are all in the thoughts and prayers of so many all around the globe, we're thinking of you.

I was thinking today about what uniquely British facts I could bring as a cultural representative in Epcot. There are the usual things of different words for different things.. that is always entertaining. Especially when you ask someone in a shop(store) where the toilet is.. and the look they give you. "Do you mean the restroom, ma'am?".. Well I don't intend to rest in it exactly (Though maybe there should be somewhere in Disney, or even the Florida mall where you can take a quick 20 min cat nap) also last time I checked I wasn't the Queen with all this ma'am business.

However, saying this I do appreciate the politeness of people in America. The fact they use Sir or Ma'am to address people is actuallty a courtesy we have lost in this country. If anyone had asked me when I worked in Woolworths to say that to people, I'm sure it would have shocked the customers as much as it shocked me!

But there are the classic word replacements... Lift- Elevator...Pavement- Sidewalk... Rubbish-Garbage...Trousers- Pants...Chemist- Drugstore.... I could go on!! My friends will tease me so much if I come back talking like that!

I will go out there taking some of my PG Tips Tea, Marmite and a bar of Dairy Milk chocolate. And I guess I'll pay out a bit more to get Ribena or Robinsons squash.. I love it that much! Most other British brands I think I can live without.. at least I hope so.. or else Mum may get a long list of things to bring out with her!
Safely say I'll be a better British influence than Gov. Ratcliffe... more like Wiggins :)
Sleep tight x

Gov. Ratcliffe: "We shall be sure to give them a proper English greeting."
Wiggins: "Ooh, gift baskets!!"

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