April Fools!

So yes.. the time for April Fools jokes has come and gone..
I did try and tease a couple of my friends, saying I was unsure about going to Disney. Except one of them took it really seriously and started lecturing me on airline cancellation fees etc, so it was time to come clean. Needless to say he wasn't impressed!

Also, I'm ill. Nothing serious, but my throat is all red and swollen and now I've developed a cough. Wonderful... the nose will soon start up and then I'll have a full blown cold. Mum did the "I told you to take your multivitamins" speech too. I honestly don't know where I could have picked it up from but oh well, just dosing up on cold & flu tablets and chocolate milk.

I must admit it is nice to be at home while ill though. At Uni when I got sick I'd still have to drag myself out of bed and round to ASDA to get OJ, tablets, tissues, throat sweets and any other supplies even if I felt like death warmed up. At those times all I wanted was someone to look after me, so I am slightly enjoying having my Mum here.. better make the most of it! Only 1 month 1 day left, can't believe it's all happened so quickly.

Uh oh, and the sneezing begins :-s

"Just had to invite him to stay didn't we?!
Serve him tea, sit in the master's chair, pet the pooch!"

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