Is there a doctor in the house?!

Today I went to the doctor, for a general chat about my medication and going away. 

He was brilliant and looked up my medications and gave me a 3 month prescription to take with me. Also I asked him if there was anything to calm me down for flying (I'll explain in another post), and he's given me some Valium type tablets- and a challenge! He said that I was to take one at the weekend and then try and do something mentally challenging to see how my body responded and can then judge whether I need to take 1 or 2 before the flight (and when.. don't want to pass out walking through security!) So that will be a fun challenge for this weekend! 

Of course my doctor is beyond brilliant... he's amazing. Not only has he excellent judgement but he's so polite, I mean he actually shakes you hand when you go in. And he was asking all sorts of questions about Disney, how I found out about it, what I'd be doing etc. He also asked me if I needed and travel shots or anything else.. and then came the awkward bit-- 
See, I went to the doctors today with my Mum.. as I wasn't going for anything embarrassing, she had a list of things we needed to talk about and also she wanted a quick chat with him about her knee. So everything is fine, and then my doctor says for me to be careful out there and not to do anything too exciting like get pregnant! Which proceeded into a talk/quiz about STI's... Great. He was just talking in general, and said I'm a smart, sensible girl but my god does he know some horror stories! Haha!

Anyway, a pretty good day.. glad to have another thing to check off the list. Got opticians on Monday, reflexology (it's a friend of Mum's who said I could have a free treatment after I graduated) on Wednesday and then Embassy appointment on Friday so a somewhat busy week!

"Of course, it's been my experience, when you hit bottom,
the only place left to go is up."

400!! ... A fine British actress.

Well!! I haven't been too well today-- so I didn't check my blog until now. And oh my lordy!! you know when I posted a few weeks back saying how I'd just got to 200 views? I normally average around 8-12 views a day. But today... 41!! In one day! Thats madness! But it's made me super happy! so that's taken my total up to over 400! So a massive THANK YOU to each and every one of you! 

And it has begun!
... Work on my Florida bucket list of things to do. I may post a couple of things on here at a later date but at the moment there are just a few ideas. I'm thinking that when it is done, get it laminated and pin it up on my wall out there. OR print it in a little booklet format so I can put it in my bag and tick things off as I go!! 

So today is the 5 week marker! It is coming around so fast.. in 2 weeks the April 12th lot will be off and then it's us. Also Kyle has booked his Visa appointment for the same time as me! At least I'll have company if kept waiting at the US Embassy and it'll also give us chance to get to know each other better for the flight. 

Now I am a massive fan of, and it was while I was doing my daily browse there that I realised it was Keira Knightley's birthday a couple of days ago. I don't know why, (well maybe I do- Johnny Depp), but a few years ago I wasn't a big fan of her as an actress. But I've got to say I've really warmed to her. I love Pirates of the Caribbean and her portrayal of Elizabeth Bennet in Pride and Prejudice. I've also seen her in Atonement, The Edge of Love and The Duchess to name a few. And I've come to the conclusion that she is a fine British actress at the beginning of a wonderful career- she's only 26! So unfair! (Ok, maybe that's why I didn't like her!)

Sorry for the tangent, it's just something I was thinking about that I thought I'd share. Happy belated birthday Keira, and come my birthday I'll be spending it with The Mouse!

"Who's the leader of the club, that's made for you and me?
M-I-C--K-E-Y   M-O-U-S-E!
Hey there! Hi there! Ho there!
You're as welcome as can be!
M-I-C--K-E-Y   M-O-U-S-E!"

Filling in the online Visa form (DS-160)

Soo I got round to doing the online DS-160 form for my Visa.
If you are doing the CRP, you will have to fill in this form after booking your Embassy appointment, print out the confirmation and take it with you to the Embassy.

Yummy Jobs have provided an excellent set of instructions and FAQs which I recommend printing out, or having open in another window or tab, while you are completing the DS-160. They are so useful, and reading through them first will make you feel more at ease when certain confusing questions come up.

As everyone else has said; save often! I was lucky and was signed out twice in just over an hour, but I can see how annoying losing all that information would be. Especially if you are asked about previous employment, as I was. Oh and keep a copy of your CV and your passport close to hand!

The form is relatively straight forward. Only a few things I got a bit confused with, one thing being the place of issue for UK passports. After some Googling, I put London, UK so I'm hoping that's alright! There is also the long checklists of your criminal background; have you ever/ or are you coming to the U.S to undertake in; prostitution, terrorism, money laundering, drug dealing etc... to which I hope all Disney applicants would answer No! just remember that it's all fun and games among friend but the U.S Embassy and Government does not have a sense of humour and will not take kindly to you joking about these things! And your Visa will be denied, so is it really worth it?!

My photo was also fine, it uploaded clearly and passed the suitability- Yay! That was one of the main things I was worried about. You have to print out the confirmation at the end too, so make sure your printer is alright. My printer is a bit random, trying to print out the form at first and it only printed the picture. Second time (in colour) was fine but gave me Ariel-red hair (I have medium brown hair, so didn't think the Embassy would take kindly to that). Third time printed out fine- in black and white- I have also included the colour copy, just in case, but I'm pretty sure it will be alright- the barcode is clearly readable.

So now my folder is all ready; got the confirmation of DS-160, confirmation of Visa interview, receipt of MRV fee, existing passport and past passport, a spare 2x2 inch visa photo and my offer letter. I'll probably take my whole Disney folder up that has everything in, just so I don't forget anything! Then hopefully everything will go smoothly and I get to be part of the Disney dream!

"I know something's starting right now, 
Watch and you'll see, 
Someday I'll be, 
Part of your World"

Arranging a Visa appointment at the US Embassy

Well, sorry it has been a few days since I posted- I told you that I'd received my Visa pack (Monday) and planned to call the next day. However it is now Friday evening and I haven't told you what happened!! Sorry!
I've looked round a lot of blogs out there, and they haven't really covered step by step of the whole visa process, just the appointment at the Embassy. So this is for all those people out there who are yet to receive their pack and genuinely want to know what happens when you call.

I have to say though, I am ridiculous when it comes to phoning people (especially companies/businesses/official people) I'm a nervous wreck. God knows how I managed to get through my phone interview with Yummy and then for HRC. Of course the info that I have been provided with, and provide here is in relation to UK applicants for the CRP. I am merely passing on my experience and have no official instructions or knowledge as to how things are run!

So yes, a few of the UK May 3rders wanted to meet up in London and get an embassy appointment together. However it was becoming a bit of a palava trying to sort it out and nobody had rung the Embassy yet. So at around 5pm (they close at 9pm) I decided to take a deep breath and pick up the phone. Please be aware that it does cost £1.23 per minute to call, so I would advise using a home phone as it would probably be more from a mobile. The first minute or so is just prepping you what to have with you for the call.  These are:

  • Your I-797B Notice of action- as you will need the case type, the receipt number and validity dates. 
  • Your passport- you'll need the number
  • Debit/Credit Card- they don't accept Visa Electron. 
So then you press the option for your visa, *Ring ring* "Sorry we are experiencing a high volume of calls, please call again later." *Duurrrrrr* -- Now for me, later equated to putting the phone down, counting to 3 and then pressing redial. Listening to the speech again and getting straight through to a person! (Wow so busy haha) 

They do ask you first of all what type of Visa you are applying for- for the CRP it will be a year long Q-1 Visa, for the ICP it will be the 3month J-1 Visa. They will also ask where you would like the appointment- there are two choices; London and Belfast. This is when they will ask for the I-797B info and they also ask a few general questions about you, name, address, date of birth etc then you pay the fee of $150 and select an appointment time! The guy did say I could have an appointment as early as Wednesday morning, but seeing as I hadn't yet done the online form, this wasn't a great choice. So I've given myself a couple of weeks to get sorted. Also I have got an early time slot- that way I can hopefully be in and out relatively quickly. Am still deciding whether I'll be going and staying overnight in London or going up on the early train. 

So now that is all booked for 2 weeks time. Also I went and got some special photos taken for the visa- as they want 2x2inch passport style photos. I don't think passport photos are suitable.. which is annoying.

Just have to complete the online form now.. I shall keep you updated on how that goes! 

"Hello? Cobra Bubbles? Aliens are attacking my house... They want my dog
... Oh, Good! My dog found the chainsaw."

Visa Time!!

So we were right!! My Visa pack arrived bright and early this morning at around 9.30.

I'm not going to upload any pictures of the documents enclosed- as I don't want to get in any sort of trouble with the U.S Government! but it looked exactly like the Disney pack, except it contains several letters about your visa, instructions and the I-94 White card to be filled in before arrival.

My pack was slightly different- and slightly more confusing. As I was on the waitlist, I received a place when somebody else dropped out due to unforeseen circumstances. And so some of the visa documentation had already been put into motion before I was offered the place, meaning there are a few extra letters explaining to me (and to the US Embassy as they have been sent a copy) the change in employee, name, etc.

Next step is to phone the US Embassy tomorrow. I don't know how they do their appointments, whether they block out a specific time/date to deal with Q-1 visas, but I have heard that these are normally processed early in the day. So the plan is, to wait until Kirstie has finished work tomorrow, go on msn.. and then for one of us to ring first (I think) select a date, then the other one ring and get the same date.. and then text Kyle so that he can get the same date too. Then we can tell the rest of the group what date to select (if the Embassy don't give us the date I mean)

Then after that it will be time to fill in the online application for the Visa.. and for this you are apparently always signed out, and have to upload a passport photo. Thinking that I may have to go to a place in town that take custom shots to scale. Then I'll have to go to a friends house to scan in the photo and save it to a USB stick. I just have to make things complicated! Thank god Yummy have given us a detailed set of instructions!

I think I'll leave purchasing the insurance for a week or so. As I'll have to pay the $150 over the phone tomorrow for the visa. And also I guess there is still that possibility that the Embassy could turn round and say no. Silly fear I know, but I'll hold off buying the insurance until the visa is approved. Then it's all systems go- "To infinity and beyond!"

Anyway.. To the March 22nd group, have an amazing journey! Particularly Stevie, who was one of the first people I met in Starbucks before the face to face interviews in London- on October 2nd :) I spent most of the day with her and a few others (you know who you are!) Have a great time making magic, and I shall see you out there in 6 weeks 1 day! xx

"Buzz- Excuse me, I think the word you are searching for is 'Space Ranger'.
Woody- The word I'm searching for I can't say because there's preschool toys present!"

Visa...Insurance... General Update :)

Well I haven't really posted much the past few days, (1) Because I don't want to bore you with the monotony of my days in which nothing Disney related happens, (2) Because I've been kinda busy.. sort of, haha!

So, lets have an update!

The next group of CRP's are due to arrive on Tuesday (March 22nd) and the April 12th group have/ are in process of getting, their Visa's. And so Yummy sent out an e-mail to our May 3rd bunch that our Disney Visa packs have arrived in the UK and will be posted out to us. So hopefully that will arrive tomorrow or Tuesday!

Also- I have solved my insurance dilemma. After talking to Kirstie- Thank you so much for putting up with my stupid questions my lovely!- I have decided on a plan. I think I shall be purchasing backpacker insurance from 24/7 insurance.

Now it is illegal (or something bad-ha!) for Yummy or whoever to recommend an insurance, you have to go look and see which plan is best for you! But you have to make sure that the insurance covers you for working abroad.. I looked in some of the activities that were covered and everything was fine :)
So if anything happens to me out there I am keeping all the paperwork of insurance, every single little detail. Just in case.

Next thing will be opticians to see about contact lenses/ new glasses.. what joy!!

"Wazowski! You didn't file your paperwork last night... Don't let it happen again
...I'm watching you, Wazowski. Always watching. 

Poor Unfortunate Soul

To the citizens of Japan, and relatives around the globe.. I think the whole world is watching and sending out their thoughts and prayers for the awful events that have taken place over the past week. The news and pictures are so saddening, yet fascinating in regards to the response, resilience and strength of the people, Our thoughts are with you.

I don't think there is any message or blog that I could post which could follow that awful news. But I didn't want to post again without saying something in respect.

This morning I got my CRB form through- all clear, no criminal record. It actually made me smile when I saw "Position of employment- Children's cast member. Employer- Disney" Yay :) There is nothing that I have to with that form.. so I've just put it in my folder for all things to take to Disney--- although I could leave it at home, I won't need it out there. Just then I know where it is.

I also had my appointment at the bank today, Mum came with me- as it potentially involved her account too.
The girl at the bank was actually really lovely. Occassionally I don't really trust banks when they just sound like they are trying to sell you something, like they will bargain for your soul!(Or you're voice ;)), but this wasn't the case at all! She couldn't have been lovelier- only a year or two older than me- and when I told her I was going abroad to work for Disney her jaw hit the floor. You know sometimes I think some people are more excited than me about this (although that's not true, I'm very excited, just it has had time to sink in!!)

Basically... the best option turned out for Mum to upgrade her credit card- to one she could use abroad for free, and then for me to have a secondary card to that account. So now there is no going crazy with the card! Though Mum has said that if I put a couple of small purchases on it say once a month both she and I will keep track. Then when she comes out to visit me in November, I can pay her back in dollars and sort everything out. It is really only meant for emergencies, like a safety net per se.

"You poor unfortunate soul!
It's sad,
But true!
If you want to cross a bridge, my sweet
You've got to pay the toll
Take a gulp and take a breath
And go ahead and sign the scroll!
(Flotsam, Jetsam, now I've got her, boys)
The boss is on a roll

This poor unfortunate soul..."

200!!... Be Prepared!

Wow!! It's official.. I have reached over 200 views of my blog :)
Whoever you guys are reading this- Thank You so much! Makes me feel like I'm not writing completely ridiculous rubbish, or if I am that some of it may be worth a read!

Hopefully once I get out there, there will be more worthwhile stuff to read. Just wanted to get into a routine of posting somewhat regularly before I go!

So, I've been putting it off for ages, but I'm thinking that lists need to be made. I've already made a list of people to see before I go to sort things out; Bank, Doctor, Optician. I have an appointment at the bank tomorrow to talk over options of getting a credit card/ getting a credit card of my Mum's account.. and to talk through how to use my existing cards abroad etc.

And before people start getting worried about a credit card, that is exactly why I have booked an appointment to talk to someone. I'm usually really careful with money, just want a credit card there in case of emergencies really.. not to take on a jolly around the Florida Mall!!

I also need to make lists of what I need to buy before I go, what to pack, and some things that I want to do/achieve while out there. It's all a matter of being prepared really. Just need to prepare in case of most eventualities- at least for getting there/arrival.

I was talking through the Student Loans forms with Kirstie earlier. I got sent a couple of forms to fill in from the Student Loans Company about repayment of my loan (which is due to start in April) , and it asked for your employment situation or if you are/ will be living abroad in April. So as I'm going in May I filled out both forms.. printed out a copy of my offer letter with my dates for the program, and a form that indicated how much I would get paid per hour.

My thinking is, that if the Student Loans Co. want more information then they will let me know, and then I can send it or phone them. Though it is my understanding that they also ask you to retain a lot of your payslips once over there for them to see. See- all about being prepared!!

An Evil, but valid point... :)

"So prepare for a chance of a lifetime
Be prepared for sensational news
A shining new era
Is tiptoeing nearer
Be Prepared!"

Disney International Programs

I'm in an upbeat mood, so I thought I'd post to counteract the dullness of some of the previous posts.
I thought I'd just tell you guys how I found out about the Disney International Programs. (

A few years back.. (2008 if I remember correctly) My family and I were on holiday in Orlando, and we stayed over the July 4th holiday. So around July 5th or 6th we went to the Florida Mall, and into one of my favourite shops- Old Navy.

In there I had a converstation with a shop assistant at the check out.. which ran something like this:-
S.A- Where did you spend July 4th?
Me- In the Magic Kingdom, it was manic- but AMAZING
S.A- Oh really? I was in Epcot, as I work at Downtown Disney too, and it's easier to get home from there.
Me- Oh Wow that's cool, how did you get into working for Disney? I'd love to work there, any chance you can get me a job?! HA!
S.A- Are you genuinely from the U.K??And serious about working for Disney?
Me- Yes! and Yes, born and bred
S.A- Then you should so check out the Disney International Programs. Just google it and find out more, and if you are interested go ahead. There are tonnes of people from China, Mexico, France and the UK, etc.

So yea, in a nutshell that is how I found out. It's amazing what talking to a few local people will turn out. And now I have this amazing opportunity that over 1000 people tried for this past year. And I won't squander it. I plan to learn as much as I can, do as much as I can. You only live once right?! I may not make a fortune with this job.. but I'll make amazing friends and amazing memories- guaranteed. That's worth more than money. Memories last forever.

"Come roll in all the riches all around you,
And for once, never wonder what they're worth"

Friend Like Me

Well, not much has really happened in my my Disney life over the past few days. Or my life in general actually!!

Only event that has taken place is that I've booked my seat on the flight over to Orlando! Yay! I thought the three of us, who were going to be on the same flight from Gatwick, were going to be online at the same time- and then book our seats. However one of the others couldn't do it the other day, so the 2 of us went ahead and booked seats together. So it's a relief knowing that I won't be sitting next to a complete stranger, who smells and takes over the armrest. Thankfully there were around 170 unallocated seats left on the flight, so hopefully the rest of our group can join us, or we may have to choose again later on.

It is a little bit cheeky that BA charge £20 for you to choose your seat.. I'm wondering if this is because I've got a really cheap seat, thanks to STA, and so they are making their money where possible. When I've booked holidays with Virgin before, and it's always been free to choose which seats you want.

I'm quite excited about Disney now.. I go through days when I'm a bit down (as you've seen) mainly because all I think about is leaving. But am looking forward to a few good adventures, with a few good friends- they know who they are :) And it will be much easier leaving, knowing that I'll have such good friends to support me.

"You ain't never had a friend like me!"

Inside the Disney Welcome Pack

Just thought I'd give people a rough idea of what to expect from their Disney Pack. Of course I am from the UK, so mine was shipped out by Yummy Jobs, and I am going to be working for the Historical Research Center so some of the information in other packs will vary.

This is what your pack will look like when you receive it.

Inside you will have:-
  • Your offer of employment from Disney or the affliliate company. This will outline your position, some information you will already know about insurance, visa, background check and what documents to take with you to the United States.
  • (Historical Research Center will also include some company background information, and the positions roles and responsibilities).
  • Disney International Programs Information and Highlights. This is more information about Visa, housing, social security etc.
  • Disney Look. A green form which will tell you precise instructions on the Disney Look and where to find more information. (
  • A form on Cast Member Policies, Procedures and Terms. This will tell you about some of the rules involved with being on the program and living in Disney housing. Obvious stuff like no using or being in possession of drugs, no fighting or threatening behaviour.
  • A copy of Housing Community Codes of Agreement. This is a copy of the form that you will sign when you get to Vista Way to check in so it's worth giving it a read. It outlines all the rules while living in Disney housing. What to do in an emergency etc.

So that's all the major paperwork that's included. There are also 3 forms which are much more colourful and entertaining and are pretty generic. These tell you all about Cast Member activites and events, housing options and events, working hours, volunteering options and FAQs so theres a few things to be getting on with :)


Hakuna Matata

So my Disney pack arrived today!! Woohoo!!

Have sat and read it cover to cover.. though a lot of the forms that outline rules and restrictions I'll have to read again. Luckily don't have to do anything with any of the forms, they are merely for information. But it's just nice to finally have the pack and my employment letter from HRC, so now it just feels that much more official.

Have spent most of the day reading blogs, trying to pick up advice on insurance. I'm a bit more clued up on it than I thought I was, think I know that its between two options really... just want to be fully covered so that I don't have to worry in case I do get sick. Hakuna Matata!

Am pretty sure that when we hear about our visas that I'm going to stay up in London the night before. I live on the south coast, about an hour and a half from Victoria, but most people have said the earlier you get an appointment at the Embassy the better otherwise you are in for a lot of wating. So yea, that would mean I'd have to get the 6am train from here... and the price would be around £50. So it may just be better to stay overnight in a hotel, if I can get a cheap deal and maybe get to know a few of the guys better before we go and maybe have a fun day in London.

"It means no worries, for the rest of your days
It's our problem-free, philosophy
Hakuna Matata!"

Just around the riverbend

Well today has been really uneventful. I was in two minds about posting but still, here it is.

I forgot to mention yesterday that I should have received my Disney welcome pack. Because I went out at 8.30 in the morning the postman hadn't yet made it to our house. So when I got back I was hoping to see it, or at least an attempted devlivery slip, but nothing.. then I hoped that a neighbour may have taken it in, but as none has appeared today it seems that they didn't.
If it doesn't arrive tomorrow morning I'll e-mail Yummy jobs about it. Not because I'm paranoid, but they told me if it hadn't arrived by the weekend I was to let them know, also I want to ask a couple of questions, and I'm going to let them know my flight details.

So all this evening I was doing loads of research on insurance. My brain has gone into insurance meltdown. I don't really get it, last holiday I went with an annual multi-trip travel insurance because it was cheaper and would save me the hassle of insurance shopping for a year. I've been working out some of the prices of a few companies for 4 and 12 months.Major worry I'm having is that if I went with another company (not Disney) for the whole year... if anything did happen, would I first have to pay out and then claim it back from the insurance company? Because that may not be possible!! If I went with the Disney insurance after 4 months would I be able to go see a doctor and not worry about claiming money back?

Also- as I'll be working with HRC does this mean I'll have to use their insurance? Do they use the same as Disney? Does it cost the same?!

As you can see... insurance meltdown!! So I plan to ask around a few people as they have had longer to research, and also to email yummy/ STA/ HRC to maybe find out from them.. I'm sure I'm not the only one who's confused!!

Anyway, March 8th is only a day or so away and so the next batch of eager CRP cast members will be going out to begin their adventure. This means that my group will then be bumped up to third on the list (March 22nd and April 12th still to come).
Charlotte, who I will be working with in HRC- and who I spent a lovely few hours with in Starbucks waiting for our London F2F interviews- is heading out tomorrow with a few others from the UK. Good luck to you all, enjoy it, it's the beginning of an amazing year! And I'll see you soon!

"What I love most about rivers is, you can't step in the same river twice
The water's always changing, always flowing.
But people I guess can't live like that, we all must pay a price
To be safe we lose our chace of ever knowing,
What's around the riverbend."

Sleep Please

Just a quick post..

Went to Portsmouth today for a touristy day out. It was really cool, I went all the way to the top of the Spinaker Tower and walked over the glass floor. Also went to the historic dockyard, saw the Victory, and the Ark Royal- even though she's being gutted. Also went for a spot of shopping along Gunwharf Quays.

I've been looking everywhere for a really nice laptop sleeve, to put in my hand luggage, to save me from carrying a laptop bag which is really bulky. My plan is to maybe buy a little roll along for the cabin and a handbag. Hopefully I can get a roll along with a laptop pocket, but if not I'll definately need a laptop sleeve to put it in my handbag. Anyway, they all seem to be really dull and boring, or really expensive- where is the happy medium?!

I did buy one small thing though.. in a Paperchase outlet, they had little flash card wallets- just big enough to display 2 cards in see through pockets. I thought it would be ideal for holding my Disney ID and my Florida State ID... so that I don't always have to dig out my purse when going to work/the parks/a bar.

Anway, that was my eventful day. Am so knackered now it's unbelievable, being a tourist is so tiring! Mum told me to go to bed ages ago (as I only slept about 3 hours last night :( ) but I stayed up. By the way writing "Baby Mine" as the title of my last post was a really stupid idea, now everytime I see it I think about leaving... it may become unbearable to see again when I actually go out there! So that post may do a bit of a disappearing act. Still it was kinda theraputic to get it out of my system for people to read and understand,

Wow, not such a quick post! Night all, I'm off to Bed-fordshire!

"Yes, you wish and you dream with all your little heart,
But you remember Tiana that,
that old star can only take you part of the way.
You've got to help it along with some hard work of your own,
And then, you can do anything you set your mind to."

Baby Mine

Right this is going to sound really silly..

I was looking through some photos of Disney stuff and I came across this...

And it just reduced me to tears. It's probably the reason why I can't watch Dumbo. The same thing happens if I ever listen to "Baby Mine" the song that Jumbo sings to Dumbo. It just always reminds me of my Mum, she bought a Dumbo stuffed teddy when we went out to Florida when I was 5, and I've just always associated it with my Mum. When I went to Uni I just could not listen to "Baby Mine" without becoming a blubbering mess.

My Mum was a single parent, although we do live with my aunty who helped to raise me. I'm not going to put a whole sob story here, I just wanted to convey how small and tight our family unit is. So going to Uni was a huge hurdle for me, and since moving back home I have felt sort of like a kid again. At Uni I used to have to look after myself, no-one who was too sympathetic when I was ill etc, and being at home now Mum is here to look after me and its been brilliant to just retreat back into my cosy little shell.

Now having to leave it is going to be so hard. I'm so so happy I have got a position as a CRP cast member, I wished and dreamed for it, and so did my family, they have been so supportive. And I'm glad that I have visited Florida tonnes of times, so it's not like I'm going into the completely unknown. Just I'll have to be away from home for a whole year, and not see my Mum at all for 6 months before she comes out to visit me. And I guess I haven't really talked about it to many people as I fear they may think I don't appreciate my place, or that they just don't understand and think I'm a sentimental idiot!

I know once I get out there I'll have a few bad days at the beginning, the evenings will be worst. So I ask anyone who is going out before me, please, come and take my mind off it! I can see me crying- ALOT! Once I've settled in, got my bearings and am kept busy I should be a lot better- just with the occassional soppy sentimental moment. I just dread the moment at the airport where I have to go through security and leave my family behind, the horrible heartwrenching feeling. Just thinking about it makes me tearful. I know it will be worth it... I just fear the worst parts. For every tear I'm sure there will be at least one smile. 

"Baby mine, don't you cry
Baby mine, dry your eyes,
Rest your head, close to my heart
Never to part, Baby of mine."

Moaning Myrtle

Hey guys, I know I was a bit down in the dumps today with the whole being left out thingy.. I apologise, the theme does continue for the first part here too.. but bear with me :)

So I was looking through loads of other blogs of the CRPs that are going out this year. And I realised a load of them had to do lists of things they want to see and do whilst living and working in Florida, some Disney, some Floridian and others just general. I'd seen a few of these before, but then I realised people have kind of bunched together or grouped up to create lists. And I couldnt help wondering, "Hey! Who's gunna be left to come with me?!"

I pulled myself out of that way of thinking. There are going to be other people who get a place that were a bit like me the first time I applied for the program in 2009. People who didn't notice the forums, didn't read the blogs and thus didn't get invited to any of the facebook groups either. (Maybe if I had got a place the scenario would be different) Anyhow.. there are probably going to be people out there who kept themselves to themselves at the interviews and have been so busy making arrangements to search the internet for other people who are in the same boat.

So I'm actually very lucky to have already had some contact with a few people. And to those people who don't know anybody can always feel free to come and say Hi to me.. As I've said before Disney people are so welcoming and friendly in my experience so far, theres no need to be shy or nervous in approaching people (for help or advice that is!!).

I also got to thinking, that although loads of my friends at home and at Uni knew I was a massive Disney fan, I'm still not sure they got the extent of it. (Although they said they did!! Haha!) I'd occassionally watch a Disney film with some of them, and everyone knew where to come if they wanted to borrow 'The Lion King' or 'Aladdin'. I did make them swear to return them in pristine condition, or there would be trouble though. There were a few funny incidents with Disney films while at Uni but I may post them at a later date.
ANYWAY, back to the point. I'm finally going to be around people who will actually understands and can share in a love of Disney, who will burst out into a Disney song.. or quote.. or want to watch a film. And I'm really looking forward to that :)

"I have often dreamed, of a far off place
Where a great, warm welcome will be waiting for me.
Where the crowds will cheer when they see my face,
And a voice keeps saying, this is where I'm meant to be"

Second star to the right and straight on 'til morning

Just a quick update.. who'd have thought I'd post twice in one day? This is me making up for being away for a week so it can't be held against me later :P

It's early morning and I've just received my STA Itinerary email, with my booking reference and electronic ticket (I think) for my flight. When it came through the first thing I did was sign in with the booking reference on the British Airways website to Manage My Booking. Mainly to see if booking my seat would cost £20, and how full the flight was.
The plane seems pretty damn empty at the moment!! So now is the point (well tomorrow) to let the guys on my flight know that we can go ahead and book some seats together... or we could just chance it and wait until we get to the airport and check in together. But it is only £20 and seeing as I got the flight for about £80 cheaper than I thought then it may be worth it. It's just a shame that others going from Manchester can't join us on the flight :( (Yes that's you Kirstie!)
Sooo where do I want to sit on the flight... I'm thinking maybe nearer the back? Near, but not on top of the bathrooms (that way you can see if there is a queue before getting up) also it means we may get a bit of a view out the nearest windows instead of being on the boring wing. Will have to discuss it with the boys.

Also I got an e-mail from Yummy earlier, letting me know that my official letter from Disney has arrived, so they will be sending the Disney pack out which should be here by the weekend!! Yay!! I guess as I got off the waitlist and they didn't have to send out bulk acceptance letters I thought it would be a bit sooner.. but all is well and good now I know it's coming!!
In the post this morning I received my graduation photos! Seeing as my graduation was 28th January and I sent for them just under 2 weeks later they have taken quite a while. Still they were really impressive, and although expensive we got a lot more than we thought for the money!!

So all in all, a good day post/e-mail/news wise :)

Shame I won't be able to get from London to Orlando like this :( still..

"The second star to the right, shines in the night for you.
To tell you that the dreams you plan, really can come true."

Waiting, waiting, everyday... but when is the day for me?!

I've just been thinking.. and browsing through the forums.. and it's got me on a bit of a downer.

I was on the waitlist for the CRP for 122 days, and those guys have formed such a bond..which I'm not sure I'm really a part of, as I pulled away from the forums alot when I got put on the waitlist. It was silly, but I just couldn't be around a lot of Disney chat at the time.
And now I've realised, that although I've got a couple of really good friends, and alot of Facebook friends that are upcoming Cast Members, I don't really fit in with them either. They have all made bonds and friendships dating as far back as October.. when they all found out they had been accepted.

Ok I know it is really petty, but I just have that fear of not really fitting in anywhere, and for everybody to already know everyone else because of the amount of preparation and plans that have already gone on.
I know it is so silly, but I think it is just a fear of being left out.

Wow, depressing much? Any advice would be greatly appreciated. I can safely say though that Disney people are the most lovely and friendly group of people I've ever met.

Also, the best of luck to the waitlist people!! The applications closed yesterday, and I forgot to mention it in my previous post. They are the most supportive, friendly, patient and lovely people and deserve to get a place in Disney! Even for their patience and positivity, they were a constant reassurance when I was on the waitlist too.. and also when I got accepted they were so gracious and just generally brilliant. I'm really hoping for you guys! The wait has been awful, but I really hope you are out there with me to celebrate as you really do deserve it!!  xxxx

"And when you're outside looking in, who's there to open the door?
That's what friends are for."

Sorry I'm late!... Come fly with me!

Well I knew it was too good to be true.. the blog that is... I'm actually impressed at how many posts I got in before the gap, and I'm also impressed that I'm coming back to it after only a week. Previous blogs I have left to simmer, but this one is worth it :) Anyway I apologise!

Moving On!

It's been a week since my last post and I've actually managed to tell a few of my friends that I could meet up face to face with. My best friend actually took me out to dinner with some of her family to celebrate (I've known her family since I was a kid so it wasn't awkward and weird!!) And so after telling those I posted it on Facebook so that everyone would know about the same time. I've got to say everyone has been really happy for me, I guess because they have known how much I've wanted it.. that I applied back in Nov 2009 and then was kept on the waitlist for so long.

Also, on Monday, I booked my flight!! Yay!! I did email Yummy's branch of STA for a quote, but they said to ring back.. so that's what I did. And I caught Jill, on her first day back at work I think, and she was excellent- she knew all about the CRP and flight options. When I was researching myself for flights.. I did look at STA online and they quoted £376 for Virgin and £410 for BA.
Now if anyone really knows me, they will know that I always go on holiday with Virgin, and have had alot better service with Virgin than on BA. But two of the boys are flying out on the BA flight, so it was perhaps a decision between going cheaper and with the airline I prefer... or going BA with company.
I weighed it up and decided that I am on a budget but wanted to go with the boys.. so I would go on BA as long as the flight wasn't more than £100 more expensive than Virgin. So I rang Jill, and instantly the flight she quoted was for BA and for £80 less than on the website. So it just shows what discounts you can get by going with a company in the know/ affiliate company.

So, now I'm sitting up in the early morning trying to fix my aunties netbook, so that she can use Skype and MSN and email to talk to me.. and it turns out shes been operating without an antivirus- Oh Joy! Teaching older relatives how to use technology must be one of the most difficult things in the world! But I've had to do it all now so that she and my Mum will be set for when I'm away... I intend to print out a book of comprehensive instructions too!!

So yes, the CRB is done, the flight is booked, just waiting on the Disney pack.. need to do the insurance (although I'm now thinking I'll go with the Disney insurance, just for ease and coverage) and then the Visa when it comes through. I'm well on my way!!

"Tell everybody I'm on my way,
New friends and new places to see.
With blue skies ahead yes, I'm on my way
And there's nowhere else that I'd rather be

Tell everybody I'm on my way,
And I'm loving every step I take.
With the sun beating down yes, I'm on my way
And I can't keep this smile off my face"