3 weeks!!!

So today was the 3 week mark!

I must confess, when I woke up today it was a sobering thought to think only 3 more weeks going to sleep in my room. Only 3 more weeks being at home. Only 3 more weeks of seeing my friends anytime.

But then..Only 3 more weeks until I'm in the most magical place on Earth. Only 3 more weeks until that beautiful sunny weather. Only 3 more weeks until I get to make brand new friends, and spend the most amazing year with them.

Also my Facebook doesn't know what has hit it today. Kirstie, Kyle and I have been talking pretty much non stop, along with some of the other May 3rd'ers. It's great to get regular conversations going. I don't know what I would have done if I didn't know about the forums and subsequently the Facebook groups. They are such a great way of getting to know everyone :)

Also I went on the tracking website for the courier with my passport/visa. Now when I went to the Embassy they said within 3-5 days. Well by Saturday I decided to look online (I got excited OK?!) and I got the shock of my life. It comes up with a message of "Sorry, that tracking number does not correspond with our records"= PANIC!! But all is well.. it's just that it needs a few days to be processed and handed from the Embassy to the courier. So having a quick look today and they said it will be delivered tomorrow!!! Aaah!
Of course I have booked an eye test for tomorrow (as I had to cancel the last one I booked) so I'll be out a lot of the day. Fabulous. Luckily my aunty has said she will stay in. She has the receipt, the paper they gave me, my bank statement, bank card and student card. So I hope everything is OK. Or I hope it arrives early while I'm still in. Exciting stuff!!

Now, on with the challenge!!

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