To the Embassy... and beyond!

So, it's been a while since last post.. I do apologise!! Unfortunately that cold hit me HARD,  I couldn't eat anything for days, so lived off the eternal life-force that is chocolate milk!

Also my Mum had to have an operation on Wednesday, was only meant to be in hospital a day- but it was 2 in the end. So its been a bit busy around here!

Anyway, yesterday was Visa time!! (I apologise that this is going to be a very long post, but I will cover step by step the Embassy interview to let you know what you are in for!)

So I went to bed around 1am.. to get up at 5, but got no sleep :( And then headed to the station for the 5.52 service to London Victoria via East Croydon. (I went with my aunty up to London as my Mum was now unable to come- and she's the expert on London- damn!) Once at Victoria we got the 73 bus to Oxford Street and my heart was jumping out of my chest with nerves, I glimpsed the Embassy out the window and panicked! We then walked past Selfridges and took a left down N Audley Street to the Embassy. I left my aunty at a nearby Starbucks and went on to meet Kyle outside.

I'm so glad that Kyle managed to get the same day, it really calmed me down to have someone else there at the same time and it was really good company!

First we queued up (this was about 8.10) and luckily the queue wasn't too long! There were two women at a podium who checked that we didn't have any electronics, checked our appointment forms and passport and then we joined another queue. We were then called up one by one to a security guy who juct checked our passport and let us into the security queue.
At this point we were called 4 people at a time into the security booth (Kyle got called into one 4.. I got called into the next ha!) Here can be a little nervy, it works the same as at an airport.. bag on x-ray conveyor and walk through the scanner. But then the security guard asked us to step to one side- which panicked me a bit!!- this was only to make sure all our bags were OK and then we were let out!! You then make your way round to the side of the building and Kyle was waiting for me. Inside, we handed our confirmation letters to the lady behind the desk, she scanned the barcode and then gave us our numbers! Kyle was N169, and I was N170.

So then you enter the airport lounge style waiting room, eagerly watching the screens for our numbers. After around 5 mins we were called. There are windows 1-11 on one side which you are first called to, and then 12-25 interview windows are round the corner. At the window they ask for all your documents- including your notice of action and passport. I got asked a few questions and for a letter as I am replacing someone and it is their name on their documentation.. but still this was all fine. This is also where they take your fingerprints. You are then handed a blue form to fill in and sit down. Now this was where me and Kyle had a problem- as neither of us had brought a pen! Luckily a nice lady lent us one, so take a pen with you!! The form is just for your address and contact number  for the courier service. We saw some guy who was the lead singer of a band-- Kyle recognised him, I did not haha, but I will Google him later!

So again we were sat waiting and chatting.. and my number got called for the interview window. I was so suprised it happened so quickly! There was already a girl at the window, another girl waiting behind her and then me! It was a little crowded. Anyhow- when it was my turn I was asked what I would be doing in the United States (HRC), how long I planned on staying (a year), did I have any family in the U.S (No), had I been to the U.S before (yes) and that was it! She may have asked another question.. but we only talked for around 3 minutes. I don't remember her actually saying "Visa approved" but she directed me to the courier service.. and was smiling, so I'm pretty sure everything is OK!

I headed to the courier service desk.. paid the £14.80 on my card (They don't accept cash) and I was all done- by about 9 o'clock! Wonderful! But Kyle was still waiting to be called to the interview! So I went and kept him company and had a chat for about 20 mins until he was finally called. So we were both done by half 9 which is still amazingly fast and then headed off to meet our families.

I surprised my aunty, she thought I was going to be a lot longer, but it meant we could get on with our day! As we paid ridiculous amounts to get on the first train I was determined to make the most out of a beautifully sunny day in London town. First stop:- Primark on Oxford street (well we had to walk past it anyway!), but it was too busy and manic for my liking  so I didn't get anything! We then hopped on a bus down to Victoria and walked round to Buckingham Palace. It was so unbelievably busy round at the palace so we hung around, it was then we realised they were doing the changing of the guard! We stuck around for over an hour until it was all done but thankfully I had my camera. Got some wonderful touristy shots of the soldiers and guards. Plus we also saw a CBS film crew and Jennie Bond (BBC Royal correspondent)
Next we walked up the Mall to Trafalgar Square, stopped for some lunch in Garfunkle's, and decided to go into the National Gallery. My aunty and I always used to go in the summer holidays when I was a kid and I loved it.. plus it's free so it makes for a good day. I made sure to check out my favorites, Monet and Canaletto and my aunty got to see Constable... then suddenly I hear someone call my name. It was Kyle! him and his parents had decided to sample some culture as well and were also checking out the sights! By this time my aunty and I were knackered, so one last stop down at Big Ben and the Houses of Parliament and Westminster Abbey. Got a few photos down there and also got to hear Big Ben chime. At this point we could barely stand so jumped on a very busy bus back to Victoria, then a very busy train back home.

We walked back through the door around 6pm and Mum was fast asleep (She'd worried me, as through the day I'd tried phoning her with no answer- panic stations) So I went to bed for a nap, had dinner, rang a friend then put myself to bed at 9pm, which is unheard of for me!

All in all it was a great day, with great weather and great company! I'm really glad I was with at least one other person down at the Embassy because it's broken the ice. Also we are sitting next to each other on the flight, so it won't be awkward trying to find him in the departure lounge!

Again, sorry for the long post but a lot happened yesterday and I thought if I was going to document it, I might as well be thorough! I hope it helps!

"Hello Wazowski! Fun-filled evening planned for tonight? ...
Then I'm sure you filed your paperwork correctly, for once ...
You're stunned silence is very reassuring."

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