So last time I posted I told you all about the hell of insurance.
3 out of the 4 companies got back to me today. And I received an e-mail from yummy asking me to buy my insurance asap and forward them the policy number by noon tomorrow. This, of course, was fair as they need to know that I am covered before I head out on Tuesday.
So tonight, Kirstie, Kyle and I all sat on MSN in a 3 way conversation to navigate the treacherous waters of insurance policies.
Now I am unable to provide you with any sort of advice on which companies to go with. I can only tell you of my experience.
Both Kyle and I received somewhat confusing and unhelpful information from 24/7 so decided they weren't for us (many people on the CRP have gone with them in the past though, so don't go solely on my word)
Anway in the end we found that Direct Travel and ACE seemed to be the most helpful in their responses and so I went with ACE. Buying the policy was quick and simple, I have printed off the relevant forms and sent the policy number to Yummy.
To tell you the truth I am so glad that it's all over and done with. A weight has been lifted off my shoulders! Let's just cross fingers and pray that I never have a need to claim!
In other news I went for my contact lens check up today, all is fine! Only slight problem is ordering 6 months supply... the suppliers have a backlog due to the last Bank Holiday. So I have had to pay for special delivery to try and get them here within 2 days rather than the 3-4 days they are estimating. Now I know 3-4 days isn't very long, and you may wonder why I am so impatient. Tomorrow is Wednesday (Day 1), Thursday (Day 2), Friday (Most places are shut, including my branch of Specsavers), Saturday (Day 3), Sunday (Again not open), Monday (Not open), Tuesday (Day 4). As I am leaving my house at 6.30 am on Tuesday I doubt they will be in branch in a town 10 miles away, and that branch open in time for me to get them!
Same goes for my Kindle really.. I have paid extra for it to be guaranteed to have it by 1pm tomorrow. If it isn't here there will be a very strongly worded email going to Amazon saying that I'll buy it in the States... still hopefully it will be here and everything will be fine :)
Phew! You can see why my stress levels have been so high the past week! And I'm having blood pressure done tomorrow... may have to take up meditating!! Also getting haircut tomorrow. Less than a week to go- it's the final countdown!!
Insurance Nightmare
I know I promised to let you know all about my adventures up in Essex.. that will be coming soon!
I set aside today to do a few things. 1) Buy insurance, 2) Sort through some clothes to pack, 3) Test out vacuum pack bags to see how much I could get in suitcase.
I completed none of these tasks.
Insurance is awful. I have read so many policies today my brain has completely turned to mush, it's made me confused, angry, stressed and upset.
Now it may be that I've been looking too deep into things, I've been reading all the policies, all the small print, and looking up reviews online of peoples experiences. Needless to say there are mixed reviews for all insurance companies. Also I am on a couple of medications just to manage migraines etc, these are prescribed medications and are stable. But still I've heard/read horror stories that if you don't declare them, insurers will screw you over.
So, at 9pm I have resulted to emailing 4 insurance companies. I've told them the dates I need to be covered, the minimum requirements set out by Disney, and the medication I am on. This way I can get a written response, that I have notified them of my medication and their acknowledgement.
As it is a Bank Holiday I don't expect to hear anything back until Tuesday and then hopefully this farce will be over!! Sorry for the rant, but if I have success after emailing them you can all avoid the mind numbing 4 hours reading through multiple insurance policies, that can be my good deed for the day!
On a happier note I've ordered my Kindle off of Amazon! Just had to pay extra for guaranteed delivery as theres so many Bank Holidays at the moment, but still :)
P.S. Happy Easter everybody! Hope the Easter bunny was extremely kind to you all!
I know I promised to let you know all about my adventures up in Essex.. that will be coming soon!
I set aside today to do a few things. 1) Buy insurance, 2) Sort through some clothes to pack, 3) Test out vacuum pack bags to see how much I could get in suitcase.
I completed none of these tasks.
Insurance is awful. I have read so many policies today my brain has completely turned to mush, it's made me confused, angry, stressed and upset.
Now it may be that I've been looking too deep into things, I've been reading all the policies, all the small print, and looking up reviews online of peoples experiences. Needless to say there are mixed reviews for all insurance companies. Also I am on a couple of medications just to manage migraines etc, these are prescribed medications and are stable. But still I've heard/read horror stories that if you don't declare them, insurers will screw you over.
So, at 9pm I have resulted to emailing 4 insurance companies. I've told them the dates I need to be covered, the minimum requirements set out by Disney, and the medication I am on. This way I can get a written response, that I have notified them of my medication and their acknowledgement.
As it is a Bank Holiday I don't expect to hear anything back until Tuesday and then hopefully this farce will be over!! Sorry for the rant, but if I have success after emailing them you can all avoid the mind numbing 4 hours reading through multiple insurance policies, that can be my good deed for the day!
On a happier note I've ordered my Kindle off of Amazon! Just had to pay extra for guaranteed delivery as theres so many Bank Holidays at the moment, but still :)
P.S. Happy Easter everybody! Hope the Easter bunny was extremely kind to you all!
There's a great big beautiful tomorrow...
"There's a great, big, beautiful tomorrow
Shining at the then of every day.
There's a great, big, beautiful tomorrow
And tomorrow is just a dream away
Man has a dream, and that's the start
He follows his dream with mind and heart
And when it becomes a reality
It's a dream come true, for you and me"
There is a great, big, beautiful tomorrow everyday at the moment in the UK. The weather is so beautiful and warm! It's hard to believe it's only April! Although May and Disney are fast approaching- 11 days now!
I had a wonderful time in Southend with my Uni house-mate Lauren, the weather and the company was glorious. I shall update you more on that later, and some more of my preparations for the big move :)
Medical Insurance will be purchased on Sunday, without fail!
Just wanted to say a massive CONGRATULATIONS!! To all the UK waitlisters from the Summer 2010 recruitment!
You guys are amazing, and although I was only on the waitlist 122 days, you guys really did keep me going reading messages of support and hope!
It's also renewed my hope that if I had still been on the list now that my dream may still have come true. If that makes any sense?!
There will have to be a massive party/celebration once all of you are out here! Honestly, the time will fly by. I know it has for me.
It just proves that if you have faith, trust and a little bit of pixie dust... anything can happen :)
You guys are amazing, and although I was only on the waitlist 122 days, you guys really did keep me going reading messages of support and hope!
It's also renewed my hope that if I had still been on the list now that my dream may still have come true. If that makes any sense?!
There will have to be a massive party/celebration once all of you are out here! Honestly, the time will fly by. I know it has for me.
It just proves that if you have faith, trust and a little bit of pixie dust... anything can happen :)
Crap?! I don't think so...
Well I got a text from one of my friends the other day that my blog looks crap.
OK he didn't exactly say that.. just that the title "My CRP Adventure" at a glance looks like "My CRAP Adventure". Which isn't really the look I was going for!
So I've changed it, if it still looks "crap" then I'll have to rename it again.. annoying. But thanks for the heads up! If there's one person out there thinking it, then theres probably a few more too.
I have now paid my program assessment fee ($104.50) for housing. You get sent an e-mail with log on details and a link to the site, it's pretty straight forward, same as buying anything online. Only problem is that my printer has decided to go on the blink and I can't print out the confirmation. Boo. Will have to fix it later on and add that print out to my folder of paperwork.
Have also been back to the doctor today to pick up some more medication- I swear I'm going to rattle!- but all in all it should make for a much more organised, stress free life when out there!
Also the Disney 30 Day Challenge has come to an end :-(, I may look for some others to do quickly as it was quite entertaining!
But anyway, am off to sunny Southend tomorrow to stay with my Uni house-mate for a few days. It'll be nice seeing her again, and will be a bit of practice staying away from home for a few days. I probably won't have internet access either... so may post later on this evening, but if not... "2 weeks tomorrrrrroooowww! Eeep!"
OK he didn't exactly say that.. just that the title "My CRP Adventure" at a glance looks like "My CRAP Adventure". Which isn't really the look I was going for!
So I've changed it, if it still looks "crap" then I'll have to rename it again.. annoying. But thanks for the heads up! If there's one person out there thinking it, then theres probably a few more too.
I have now paid my program assessment fee ($104.50) for housing. You get sent an e-mail with log on details and a link to the site, it's pretty straight forward, same as buying anything online. Only problem is that my printer has decided to go on the blink and I can't print out the confirmation. Boo. Will have to fix it later on and add that print out to my folder of paperwork.
Have also been back to the doctor today to pick up some more medication- I swear I'm going to rattle!- but all in all it should make for a much more organised, stress free life when out there!
Also the Disney 30 Day Challenge has come to an end :-(, I may look for some others to do quickly as it was quite entertaining!
But anyway, am off to sunny Southend tomorrow to stay with my Uni house-mate for a few days. It'll be nice seeing her again, and will be a bit of practice staying away from home for a few days. I probably won't have internet access either... so may post later on this evening, but if not... "2 weeks tomorrrrrroooowww! Eeep!"
Day 30
Day #30- Your favourite theme park show.
Do you even have to ask?! :-D
... Beauty and the Beast (Disney's Hollywood Studios)
Do you even have to ask?! :-D
... Beauty and the Beast (Disney's Hollywood Studios)
Day 29 1/2
Day #29 1/2- Your favourite ride.
Yup I'm changing the rules again! I thought as it said favourite attraction- it was only fair I include my favourite ride. And then as I sat and thought about it, I actually have 2 favourite rides! So as I'm changing it up by including 2 new questions, I can have 2 answers :-P
... Soarin' (Epcot) and Buzz Lightyear's Space Ranger Spin (Magic Kingdom)!!
First time I rode Soarin' was actually quite a terrifying experience. I stood in the queue with my Mum, Aunt and family friend (her family were also in Florida at the same time, but only she liked Epcot), and there was a lady in front of us with her grandchildren. The kids were asking her what the ride was like, to which she replied "Oh it's very exciting, you come whooshing up a cliff and then plummet off the other side! And you come down over Golden Gate Bridge almost into the water!" Then I saw the sign about being afraid of heights and such.. and although I'm fine with heights, I'm not so great with turbulence.. so I got spooked. It was basically a fear of the unknown. So when we boarded the ride I walked straight out with the exiting guests! When Mum came off the ride she reassured me, and now I go on it as many times as I can!
Also you have to love Buzz Lightyear, it's such a fun game really. There's nothing like some family/friendly competition and comparing scores at the end! Unfortunately I haven't had a chance to go on the Toy Story Midway Mania at Disney's Hollywood Studios as the queues were insane. It's definitely on the to do list!
Yup I'm changing the rules again! I thought as it said favourite attraction- it was only fair I include my favourite ride. And then as I sat and thought about it, I actually have 2 favourite rides! So as I'm changing it up by including 2 new questions, I can have 2 answers :-P
... Soarin' (Epcot) and Buzz Lightyear's Space Ranger Spin (Magic Kingdom)!!
First time I rode Soarin' was actually quite a terrifying experience. I stood in the queue with my Mum, Aunt and family friend (her family were also in Florida at the same time, but only she liked Epcot), and there was a lady in front of us with her grandchildren. The kids were asking her what the ride was like, to which she replied "Oh it's very exciting, you come whooshing up a cliff and then plummet off the other side! And you come down over Golden Gate Bridge almost into the water!" Then I saw the sign about being afraid of heights and such.. and although I'm fine with heights, I'm not so great with turbulence.. so I got spooked. It was basically a fear of the unknown. So when we boarded the ride I walked straight out with the exiting guests! When Mum came off the ride she reassured me, and now I go on it as many times as I can!
Also you have to love Buzz Lightyear, it's such a fun game really. There's nothing like some family/friendly competition and comparing scores at the end! Unfortunately I haven't had a chance to go on the Toy Story Midway Mania at Disney's Hollywood Studios as the queues were insane. It's definitely on the to do list!
Day 29
Day #29- Your favourite theme attraction.
... Mickey's Philharmagic!!
Honestly, every time I come out of there I just want to turn round and go back in. The music is fantastic, the effects are brilliant and the smell -Oh My Lord- is mouthwatering! Big, big thumbs up from me!
... Mickey's Philharmagic!!
Honestly, every time I come out of there I just want to turn round and go back in. The music is fantastic, the effects are brilliant and the smell -Oh My Lord- is mouthwatering! Big, big thumbs up from me!
Day 28
Day #28- Your favourite park.
... Epcot!!
I guess as I love travel it's always held a special place in my heart. I love to learn, and experience new things and Epcot is perfect for that. Plus I get to work there for the next year... how exciting!
... Epcot!!
I guess as I love travel it's always held a special place in my heart. I love to learn, and experience new things and Epcot is perfect for that. Plus I get to work there for the next year... how exciting!
Day 27
Day #27- Your favourite quote.
This is a really tough one, there are so many wonderful quotes in each and every Disney movie it's hard to single one out.
First I thought of Pocahontas, and basically most of the lines from "Colours of the wind"
Then The Princess and the Frog... but again I love the overall message of the movie.
Hercules, again most of the lines from "I can go the distance"
So in the end I'm going to go with a classic, from a film I don't think I've mentioned yet in this challenge.
... "Have faith in your dreams and someday, your rainbow will come smiling through. No matter how your heart is grieving, if you keep on believing. The dream that you wish, will come true." (Cinderella)
This is a really tough one, there are so many wonderful quotes in each and every Disney movie it's hard to single one out.
First I thought of Pocahontas, and basically most of the lines from "Colours of the wind"
Then The Princess and the Frog... but again I love the overall message of the movie.
Hercules, again most of the lines from "I can go the distance"
So in the end I'm going to go with a classic, from a film I don't think I've mentioned yet in this challenge.
... "Have faith in your dreams and someday, your rainbow will come smiling through. No matter how your heart is grieving, if you keep on believing. The dream that you wish, will come true." (Cinderella)
Day 26 1/2
Day #26 1/2- Your favourite scene from any movie.
Ok I'm going a little off plan now.. but when I saw "My favourite scene" I instantly thought of one.. and then when I read "from your favourite movie" it went out of the window!
Of course I still love the scene from Beauty and the Beast as mentioned. But as this one was the first to come to mind I wanted to mention it.
... Lantern Scene/ "I See The Light" (From Tangled)!!
Also I was lucky enough to see this in 3D and it was absolutely stunning.
Ok I'm going a little off plan now.. but when I saw "My favourite scene" I instantly thought of one.. and then when I read "from your favourite movie" it went out of the window!
Of course I still love the scene from Beauty and the Beast as mentioned. But as this one was the first to come to mind I wanted to mention it.
... Lantern Scene/ "I See The Light" (From Tangled)!!
Also I was lucky enough to see this in 3D and it was absolutely stunning.
Day 26
Day #26- Saddest death.
... Ray (From The Princess and the Frog).
May have been naive, but I kept expecting him to be OK. :-(
Honourable mentions- Mufasa (The Lion King), Bambi's Mother, Ellie (Up), Coral (Finding Nemo).
... Ray (From The Princess and the Frog).
May have been naive, but I kept expecting him to be OK. :-(
Honourable mentions- Mufasa (The Lion King), Bambi's Mother, Ellie (Up), Coral (Finding Nemo).
Day 25
Day #25- Your favourite scene from your favourite movie.
Ah, here I am going to have to repeat myself..
... the Transformation scene (From Beauty and the Beast)!!
Ah, here I am going to have to repeat myself..
... the Transformation scene (From Beauty and the Beast)!!
Day 24
Day #24- A movie that makes you cry.
Definitely... Up.
You all know the sequence I'm talking about.
I went to see it while I was at Uni. We organised a big group of us to go (mostly girls I think) and we all sat in the row in tears. One of my friends actually sobbed out loud. A wonderful, moving sequence that portrayed the beauty and tragedy of life.
Honourable mentions go to the classics too- The Lion King, Bambi and Dumbo. The latter two I cannot watch they make me so sad.
Definitely... Up.
You all know the sequence I'm talking about.
I went to see it while I was at Uni. We organised a big group of us to go (mostly girls I think) and we all sat in the row in tears. One of my friends actually sobbed out loud. A wonderful, moving sequence that portrayed the beauty and tragedy of life.
Honourable mentions go to the classics too- The Lion King, Bambi and Dumbo. The latter two I cannot watch they make me so sad.

Day 23
Day #23- A movie that makes you laugh.
I would ideally put the same film for the film that makes me laugh and cry.. but as I've said before I want to try and avoid repeating too much.
Because of this I'm going to say... Lilo and Stitch!!
I would ideally put the same film for the film that makes me laugh and cry.. but as I've said before I want to try and avoid repeating too much.
Because of this I'm going to say... Lilo and Stitch!!
How could I forget?!
Jeez, I got so caught up in talking about eyes and stuff I forgot to mention my Visa!! It's arrived!!
It arrived yesterday, about 2 o clock. I was already in Brighton, but my aunty was in to accept it. All they wanted to see was a bank statement and bada bing bada boom all done :) So I had to go through the whole afternoon knowing that it was just sitting waiting for me at home!
How exciting!!
(If you wanted to know.. it takes up a whole page of your passport. Mine is really near the beginning, the photo is in black and white- even though they took the Ariel-red coloured copy of my confirmation print out they use the one you upload to the site. It also says how long it is valid for, from the date issued (providing this isn't more than 30 days before you start work) to 30 days after your end date- this is when you must leave the United States. For example, if your program date finishes on 15th June, your Visa would be valid until 15th July. So you would have to leave up to or on the 15th July to avoid getting in trouble with the U.S Government!)
It arrived yesterday, about 2 o clock. I was already in Brighton, but my aunty was in to accept it. All they wanted to see was a bank statement and bada bing bada boom all done :) So I had to go through the whole afternoon knowing that it was just sitting waiting for me at home!
How exciting!!
(If you wanted to know.. it takes up a whole page of your passport. Mine is really near the beginning, the photo is in black and white- even though they took the Ariel-red coloured copy of my confirmation print out they use the one you upload to the site. It also says how long it is valid for, from the date issued (providing this isn't more than 30 days before you start work) to 30 days after your end date- this is when you must leave the United States. For example, if your program date finishes on 15th June, your Visa would be valid until 15th July. So you would have to leave up to or on the 15th July to avoid getting in trouble with the U.S Government!)
You can see, you can see, you can see!!
That's me anyway.. I hope you can all see fine too :)
Past few days I have been able to tick quite a lot off list of things to do. Yesterday I went into Brighton for an eye test. It was the first time I'd been to Specsavers and they were brilliant!! I ended up choosing a pair of glasses which cost £10 (With an NHS voucher), they are a metallic brown colour which I hope is neutral enough for the Disney Look. I saw lots of different pairs with really nice designs on the frames but unfortunately I couldn't have them :(
Only problem was that they couldn't fit me in to see about contacts :( So I had to book an appointment for 26th. Anyway we tried ringing another branch this morning, who had a free appointment for 3.30! I managed to go get my eyes checked out- AGAIN. They did loads of weird tests and I was pretty nervous when she said about putting contacts in to see how my eyes responded. But it wasn't anywhere near as bad as I thought, the optician said it was meant to feel a bit like an eyelash on my eye but it wasn't even that bad!
As she only had 20 minutes free she mentioned trying to teach me some of the basics about putting contacts in/ taking them out to see how fast I picked it up, but that I would probably have to book another appointment for proper teaching. Luckily though I got the hang of it right away!! I was VERY nervous, and my eyes watered ALOT but she was confident enough to let me wear them home as I was such a fast learner!! YAY!! As Kirstie said to me later.. at least my Uni education counted for something haha.
So that's all sorted.. I just need to gradually increase the amount of time I wear them day by day and then go back for a check in 2 weeks at which point they can issue me with 6months worth! woohoo!!
Basically the reason I wanted to go for contacts (it is by no means a requirement by Disney) is just because I wanted to be able to buy a pair of cheap sunglasses out in Florida that are suitable for Disney. I didn't want to have to get a second pair of prescription sunglasses really. But I will be mixing it up between contacts and glasses :)
Also on my adventures today I picked up some sun lotion in preparation.. I'm thinking SPF 30 is the best option.. and it's not sun cream, but a liquid spray which is really fast drying which is great as I hate that sticky creamy feeling, urgh.
Anyway.. enough of my ramblings.. just glad to have a couple more things to tick off the list. I still have to buy insurance, pay program assessment fee and email Disney sometime in the next week! Phew!
Past few days I have been able to tick quite a lot off list of things to do. Yesterday I went into Brighton for an eye test. It was the first time I'd been to Specsavers and they were brilliant!! I ended up choosing a pair of glasses which cost £10 (With an NHS voucher), they are a metallic brown colour which I hope is neutral enough for the Disney Look. I saw lots of different pairs with really nice designs on the frames but unfortunately I couldn't have them :(
Only problem was that they couldn't fit me in to see about contacts :( So I had to book an appointment for 26th. Anyway we tried ringing another branch this morning, who had a free appointment for 3.30! I managed to go get my eyes checked out- AGAIN. They did loads of weird tests and I was pretty nervous when she said about putting contacts in to see how my eyes responded. But it wasn't anywhere near as bad as I thought, the optician said it was meant to feel a bit like an eyelash on my eye but it wasn't even that bad!
As she only had 20 minutes free she mentioned trying to teach me some of the basics about putting contacts in/ taking them out to see how fast I picked it up, but that I would probably have to book another appointment for proper teaching. Luckily though I got the hang of it right away!! I was VERY nervous, and my eyes watered ALOT but she was confident enough to let me wear them home as I was such a fast learner!! YAY!! As Kirstie said to me later.. at least my Uni education counted for something haha.
So that's all sorted.. I just need to gradually increase the amount of time I wear them day by day and then go back for a check in 2 weeks at which point they can issue me with 6months worth! woohoo!!
Basically the reason I wanted to go for contacts (it is by no means a requirement by Disney) is just because I wanted to be able to buy a pair of cheap sunglasses out in Florida that are suitable for Disney. I didn't want to have to get a second pair of prescription sunglasses really. But I will be mixing it up between contacts and glasses :)
Also on my adventures today I picked up some sun lotion in preparation.. I'm thinking SPF 30 is the best option.. and it's not sun cream, but a liquid spray which is really fast drying which is great as I hate that sticky creamy feeling, urgh.
Anyway.. enough of my ramblings.. just glad to have a couple more things to tick off the list. I still have to buy insurance, pay program assessment fee and email Disney sometime in the next week! Phew!
Day 22
Day #22- An underrated movie.
... Sword and the Stone!!
I think it is so often overlooked as dated and slow. But in actual fact it is a brilliant film! I remember watching it when I was really young. And when my aunty accidentally taped over my copy, although I didn't watch it often I was really upset! She replaced it.. and when it came out on DVD she bought it for me as a somewhat running joke :)
... Sword and the Stone!!
I think it is so often overlooked as dated and slow. But in actual fact it is a brilliant film! I remember watching it when I was really young. And when my aunty accidentally taped over my copy, although I didn't watch it often I was really upset! She replaced it.. and when it came out on DVD she bought it for me as a somewhat running joke :)
Day 21
Day #21- An overrated movie.
I really didn't know where to go with this question. Is it a film I feel got too much hype for what it was?
Am I limited to animation? I've only done animation so far... so I'll say one animated one not. I must say though that I don't hate any of these films, just in my opinion they weren't as good as others.
Animated... Lady and the Tramp.
I think I had to choose this one, looking at lots of Disney films this is one I felt brought least to the table. There are moments in the film where I feel genuinely uncomfortable and as a result I don't really ever have a craving to watch it.
Live action... High School Musical 2
First I though of HSM, I held out a long time before seeing it. But seeing it a few times since it has grown on me a bit (Not to the extent of some lunatic fan). So when the sequel was on TV I gave it a watch.. and didn't really see the point in making it. I have yet to see the third installment. Ha!
Out of these two I think HSM 2 would be my choice as most overrated.
I really didn't know where to go with this question. Is it a film I feel got too much hype for what it was?
Am I limited to animation? I've only done animation so far... so I'll say one animated one not. I must say though that I don't hate any of these films, just in my opinion they weren't as good as others.
Animated... Lady and the Tramp.
I think I had to choose this one, looking at lots of Disney films this is one I felt brought least to the table. There are moments in the film where I feel genuinely uncomfortable and as a result I don't really ever have a craving to watch it.
Live action... High School Musical 2
First I though of HSM, I held out a long time before seeing it. But seeing it a few times since it has grown on me a bit (Not to the extent of some lunatic fan). So when the sequel was on TV I gave it a watch.. and didn't really see the point in making it. I have yet to see the third installment. Ha!
Out of these two I think HSM 2 would be my choice as most overrated.
3 weeks!!!
So today was the 3 week mark!
I must confess, when I woke up today it was a sobering thought to think only 3 more weeks going to sleep in my room. Only 3 more weeks being at home. Only 3 more weeks of seeing my friends anytime.
But then..Only 3 more weeks until I'm in the most magical place on Earth. Only 3 more weeks until that beautiful sunny weather. Only 3 more weeks until I get to make brand new friends, and spend the most amazing year with them.
Also my Facebook doesn't know what has hit it today. Kirstie, Kyle and I have been talking pretty much non stop, along with some of the other May 3rd'ers. It's great to get regular conversations going. I don't know what I would have done if I didn't know about the forums and subsequently the Facebook groups. They are such a great way of getting to know everyone :)
Also I went on the tracking website for the courier with my passport/visa. Now when I went to the Embassy they said within 3-5 days. Well by Saturday I decided to look online (I got excited OK?!) and I got the shock of my life. It comes up with a message of "Sorry, that tracking number does not correspond with our records"= PANIC!! But all is well.. it's just that it needs a few days to be processed and handed from the Embassy to the courier. So having a quick look today and they said it will be delivered tomorrow!!! Aaah!
Of course I have booked an eye test for tomorrow (as I had to cancel the last one I booked) so I'll be out a lot of the day. Fabulous. Luckily my aunty has said she will stay in. She has the receipt, the paper they gave me, my bank statement, bank card and student card. So I hope everything is OK. Or I hope it arrives early while I'm still in. Exciting stuff!!
Now, on with the challenge!!
I must confess, when I woke up today it was a sobering thought to think only 3 more weeks going to sleep in my room. Only 3 more weeks being at home. Only 3 more weeks of seeing my friends anytime.
But then..Only 3 more weeks until I'm in the most magical place on Earth. Only 3 more weeks until that beautiful sunny weather. Only 3 more weeks until I get to make brand new friends, and spend the most amazing year with them.
Also my Facebook doesn't know what has hit it today. Kirstie, Kyle and I have been talking pretty much non stop, along with some of the other May 3rd'ers. It's great to get regular conversations going. I don't know what I would have done if I didn't know about the forums and subsequently the Facebook groups. They are such a great way of getting to know everyone :)
Also I went on the tracking website for the courier with my passport/visa. Now when I went to the Embassy they said within 3-5 days. Well by Saturday I decided to look online (I got excited OK?!) and I got the shock of my life. It comes up with a message of "Sorry, that tracking number does not correspond with our records"= PANIC!! But all is well.. it's just that it needs a few days to be processed and handed from the Embassy to the courier. So having a quick look today and they said it will be delivered tomorrow!!! Aaah!
Of course I have booked an eye test for tomorrow (as I had to cancel the last one I booked) so I'll be out a lot of the day. Fabulous. Luckily my aunty has said she will stay in. She has the receipt, the paper they gave me, my bank statement, bank card and student card. So I hope everything is OK. Or I hope it arrives early while I'm still in. Exciting stuff!!
Now, on with the challenge!!
Q-1 Visa,
U.S Embassy,
Day 20
Day #20- Your favourite sequel.
I sat here and racked my brain for all the sequels, but still came back to the same one. I think it is probably the most successful sequel/ trilogy.
... Toy Story 2!!
Plus my old college lecturer looks EXACTLY like Al! EXACTLY!
I sat here and racked my brain for all the sequels, but still came back to the same one. I think it is probably the most successful sequel/ trilogy.
... Toy Story 2!!
Plus my old college lecturer looks EXACTLY like Al! EXACTLY!
Day 19
Day #19- Your least favourite Pixar film.
Would have to be... A Bug's Life!!
I guess it would be because *shock, horror* Antz came out around the same time. I think I saw Antz first, and I guess it just eclipsed Bug's Life. I may have to go back and watch it...
Love Heimlich though!
Would have to be... A Bug's Life!!
I guess it would be because *shock, horror* Antz came out around the same time. I think I saw Antz first, and I guess it just eclipsed Bug's Life. I may have to go back and watch it...
Love Heimlich though!
Day 18
Day #16- Your favourite Pixar film.
If this was asking the Pixar films that I watch most regularly... then I would have a hard time deciding between Cars and The Incredibles.
But my favourite would have to be... Wall-E!!
If this was asking the Pixar films that I watch most regularly... then I would have a hard time deciding between Cars and The Incredibles.
But my favourite would have to be... Wall-E!!
Day 17
Day #17- Your least favourite classic.
... Snow White!!
Afraid it never was my favourite, I haven't seen it in about 10 years.
... Snow White!!
Afraid it never was my favourite, I haven't seen it in about 10 years.
Day 16
Day #16- Your favourite classic.
Does Beauty and the Beast count as a classic?? I think it does, but I've mentioned it quite a lot. So I'm going to choose one that really is a classic that I love... Sleeping Beauty!!
Does Beauty and the Beast count as a classic?? I think it does, but I've mentioned it quite a lot. So I'm going to choose one that really is a classic that I love... Sleeping Beauty!!
Day 15
Day #15- The first movie you saw.
Right, I had to ask my Mum about this one. As far as she can remember, the first Disney film that I probably went to the cinema to see was...Aladdin!!
Right, I had to ask my Mum about this one. As far as she can remember, the first Disney film that I probably went to the cinema to see was...Aladdin!!
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