Gift Baskets

Just wanted to quickly say about the terrible earthquake in New Zealand today.. if there is anyone reading my blog from anywhere around there. I'm sure you are all in the thoughts and prayers of so many all around the globe, we're thinking of you.

I was thinking today about what uniquely British facts I could bring as a cultural representative in Epcot. There are the usual things of different words for different things.. that is always entertaining. Especially when you ask someone in a shop(store) where the toilet is.. and the look they give you. "Do you mean the restroom, ma'am?".. Well I don't intend to rest in it exactly (Though maybe there should be somewhere in Disney, or even the Florida mall where you can take a quick 20 min cat nap) also last time I checked I wasn't the Queen with all this ma'am business.

However, saying this I do appreciate the politeness of people in America. The fact they use Sir or Ma'am to address people is actuallty a courtesy we have lost in this country. If anyone had asked me when I worked in Woolworths to say that to people, I'm sure it would have shocked the customers as much as it shocked me!

But there are the classic word replacements... Lift- Elevator...Pavement- Sidewalk... Rubbish-Garbage...Trousers- Pants...Chemist- Drugstore.... I could go on!! My friends will tease me so much if I come back talking like that!

I will go out there taking some of my PG Tips Tea, Marmite and a bar of Dairy Milk chocolate. And I guess I'll pay out a bit more to get Ribena or Robinsons squash.. I love it that much! Most other British brands I think I can live without.. at least I hope so.. or else Mum may get a long list of things to bring out with her!
Safely say I'll be a better British influence than Gov. Ratcliffe... more like Wiggins :)
Sleep tight x

Gov. Ratcliffe: "We shall be sure to give them a proper English greeting."
Wiggins: "Ooh, gift baskets!!"

You got a friend in me

Well have just returned from the pub.. and seeing some friends. Some of them are even putting in requests for things they want sending back as presents and such! I hope they realise they may not get some of these presents until May next year, thats 15 months ahead, how can you possibly know what you will want in that time!! Madness!

I haven't got round to telling all of my friends yet.. as I went to uni there are quite a lot to tell. And the reason I haven't is that I'm trying to organise seeing a few face to face in the coming week.. and I think it's a lot better telling people like that! Anyway.. once I have done that I'll probably post it on Facebook so that everyone else knows. It's kinda awkward because some friends are planning a trip to Alton Towers a week before I go, and I know I'm not going to have the funds or free time to go with them. Also I'll be moving to the theme park capital of the world!!

It does make me appreciate my friends at home though.. although I don't see some of them that often, I know the ones that will always be there for me (getting sickeningly sentimental! lol). Although I know it will be totally gut wrenching leaving my friends and family, I know that I'm going to meet some amazing people out in Florida. I've already met totally fantastic people, Disney people I think are just genuinely lovely.. there's no weirdness in saying hi to someone you have never met, just because you know you have this in common. And I can't wait to spend a year with some totally amazing people, and I look forward to meeting all of them in person, and having some crazy wonderful adventures!

"You got a friend in me, when the road looks rough ahead, and your miles and miles from your nice warm bed. You just remember what your ol' pal said. You got a friend in me."

A pirates life for me!

Just a quick update!
CRB form arrived at Yummy OK, now I've got myself thinking about flights and insurance. Flight I'm not too worried about, I would have preferred to fly Virgin but there a couple of guys with the same start date that are flying out on the BA service to Orlando. So it's a choice of going with my favourite airline alone, or BA with 2 others.. think I'll go BA.

It's insurance that's got me a little bit worried. I've been reading up on Facebook and the forum, and it seems that if I do get ill on a year long insurance I have to pay for the treatment and then claim it back. Which seems like a hell of a lot of hassle, and paperwork (As I think we all know what insurance companies are like!!) But if I decide to go with the Disney insurance, then they'll cover me, BUT it's more expensive!! Arrgghh! To be honest I haven't been ill (apart from a bad cold) in the past 18months-2 years *TOUCH WOOD!!* Will have to ask some others what they are doing about it.

Anyway this was just a quick post to update on some of my thoughts/worries as maybe there are few other people out there with the same thoughts as me, or perhaps some advice!! Right, so I'm off to the pub for a couple of drinks.. Yo ho, a pirates life for me!!

"But, why is the rum gone?!"

Evening Star

Had a duvet day today, luckily Space Jam was on TV. I know boo.. hiss.. for watching an animated film that wasn't Disney, so sue me! But it brought back so many childhood memories, I actually still have the Space Jam soundtrack somewhere.

I have a lot of films soundtracks, including the new 'Tangled' one. Which although I wasn't that impressed with the Mandy Moore choice at first, her voice lends itself quite well to Rapunzel. I did love Tangled, including the awesome lantern scene. (I went to see it in 3D, but that scene was so incredible it was worth it)
At the beginning I felt it was a little Cinderella/ Aladdin-esque, but come on who didn't love those movies?!

And it just got me to wondering, will Rapunzel and Flynn be featured in the Disney parade at Magic Kingdom? When I was there in November Tiana and Prince Naseem were on the back of the Princess float, and there was a section where you could meet Rapunzel. which would lead me to believe that they might be featured in the parade. Then again though, we can't have all the Disney Princesses on one float as it would be packed! And if you featured every Disney character then the parade would be hours long!

Now do forgive me for this, I'm not incinuating anything, it is merely a thought or rambling.. but the present Disney Princesses are; Cinderella, Aurora, Ariel, Belle, Jasmine, Pocahontas, Tiana, Rapunzel, Mulan-- But some have technicalities. Pocahontas is the daughter of a Chief, so a princess type figure and Mulan is not a princess, just from a good family. But you don't see either of them on the Princess float at the end. (At MK, I know that at Hollywood Studios Mulan and Jasmine are featured in the motor cars parade)
Was just speculating as to where they may have gone.. Aurora isn't often featured either.. Meh, maybe they were all washing their hair or doing mak-up- it must be tough looking like that 24/7!

Anyway, CRB form was sent off this morning- recorded delivery (£5.05!! Extortionate!).. Will be looking into booking flight next week, probably through STA. Airlines are cheeky, looking up a one way fare on either BA or Virgin was around £750, STA quotes same flights for £350-400. Mental!!

For now though, sleep well... dream good dreams.

"The evening star is shinin' bright. So make a wish and hold on tight. There's magic in the air tonight, and anything can happen."

CRB and book club

So I didn't post yesterday... (It's a sign of things to come.. unfortunately I am really bad with keeping up to date on blogs, diaries and suchlike)... And well, not much happened. I told a couple of my friends that I had got a place on the CRP and would be going to Florida on May 3rd. And all one of them could say was "You are having a leaving party before you go right?!" Typical!!

Anyway! So my CRB form arrived today. Which is pretty quick, seeing as Yummy went through everything with me on Wednesday. I decided to be super organised, went up to the library in town and made photocopies of my passport and birth certificate, filled in the form, paid the £60 online and the envelope is now sitting in the living room waiting to be taken up to the Post Office tomorrow morning. Definately sending it recorded delivery though, precious information in there!!
I also got the Disney email today, which confirmed my start date and gave me a checklist of things to prepare before going out. It also contained a video with guys Chris and Tony (I believe?)... think I'll be seeing a few more hilarious antics from those two over the coming weeks as more emails from Disney arrive!!

Finished my book last night. I stayed up so late (5.15am) just to get the end! It was a good book, maybe not as good as its predecessor 'The White Queen' but still, very enjoyable. I recommend it to anyone who enjoys historical novels, Tudor/ Plantagenet history or Philipa Gregory's writing. In fact I do have a habit of getting into books and staying up all hours just to find out what happens. Classic example was in Nov, I bought a boxset of 8 books (the True Blood books by Charlaine Harris) and I finished all of them in about 2 weeks and have now read books 9 and 10 as well. Now I'll be moving on the Mini Shopaholic which Mum bought me for Christmas!! Am just wondering what to do when I get to Florida.. may have to invest in an ebook. But I prefer actual books, not reading off a screen... I'm sure I could get stuff out of the Disney library.

Anyway enough of my ramblings.. but so to another bookworm. A girl after my own heart... craving adventure in that great wide somewhere. Maybe my adventure will involve an enchanted castle with talking household objects too! We can only hope! xx

"It's not right for a woman to read. Soon she starts getting ideas, and thinking.."

Disney Magic in Paris

Just a random post.. was thinking about wanting to go to Paris.
I went to Paris for the first time last year in January. I went with two work friends who are fabulous! We actually were some of the many that got stranded in Paris for hours because Eurostar stopped running! I don't think I have ever been that cold in my life.

One reason I was thinking about this today, was that my firends are as Disney mad as I am, one of them in fact did the ICP over the Summer a couple of years back.
One day we were walking around, and found that we were close to the Cathedral de Notre Dame. And the bells started ringing. To which we all simultaneously burst into song "The bells, bells, bells, bells... bells of NOTRE DAME!!!!" Which goes to prove that you can have a Disney moment, absolutely anywhere.. with good friends and the right atmosphere, magic is possible!!

I also looked a bit of a fool as when we got to look inside the cathedral I was half looking out for the window Esmeralda sings too... and there were two! I did not remember seeing that part in the film!! All I can say there is that Disney did a wonderful job of recreating it, it's beautiful!
And of course as we were in Paris we did have a day in Disneyland. Again it was freeeeeezing! The lake in Frontierland was completely frozen.. kids were throwing stones on it to break it. On the plus side though, as it was so cold there were hardly and queues for anything! Awesome!

Anyway this post has turned out longer than I expected!!

"Life's not a spectator sport. If watchin' is all you're gonna do, then you're gonna watch your life go by without ya."

Letting it sink in..

Wow.. So yesterday was an eventful day! Nerves were mental and then excitement shot through the roof. Today I slept late, probably because I was still too hyped up last night to sleep!
Got an email today from Yummy just confirming that I have a place- May 3rd 2011- April 27th 2012 :-D
Now just need to get started on all the paperwork; criminal record check, visa etc..

So for the past 24 hours I've been reading blogs, looking through old photos from Florida, watching volgs about the CRP and ICP on YouTube... everything really. Also realised that it is in fact the 40th anniversary of the Magic Kingdom in Orlando this year! It opened October 1st, 1971, so we will be out there for that! And then in 2012 its the 30th anniversary of EPCOT (although that again is in October, so let's hope they start their celebrations early!)

Also.. in my crazy thinking sprees about Disney.. I was thinking about what to do for my birthday. As it's only 10 days after I arrive I may still be doing Traditions and training... I wonder if I'll get a "It's my birthday!" disney badge. I know simple things please simple minds! Also Kirstie reminded me that the new Pirates film comes out in mid May, so will definately be going to see that!

"You like pain? Try wearing a corset!"


So here it is, my blog of the Cultural Representative Program!! Now if you are reading this, you probably know all about the CRP program- what it entails etc... If not, I recommend that you take a look at the Disney International Programs site, its got so much information, and then you can begin your own Disney adventure!!

I've started this blog a bit late in comparison to others, as I didn't want to jinx my chances- or to get so far in the application process, then fail miserably and have to write it on here :( I may fill in later on about the application process from submitting CV to today, but that can wait!

I have just been accepted onto the CRP, I will be starting as of May 3rd and working at the Historical Research Center in the UK pavillion of Epcot! So excited!

My first visit to Walt Disney World in Florida was on my 5th birthday. And although I have spent a few birthdays in Disney and now I'll be flying out 10 days before I turn 23! What a birthday present..(Also being over 21 means I can have a drink on my birthday, woohoo! Off to Chilis or somewhere for a cheeky mojito!)
Also I'm really happy I got an HRC position. I do have a little obsession with history. I was also addicted to TV shows like 'The Tudors' and have read almost every book by Philipa Gregory.. am currently reading 'The Red Queen' and loving it!

Anyway.. stay tuned, and watch out for photos, songs and quotes.

"Have faith in your dreams and someday, your rainbow will come shining through.
No matter how your heart is grieving, if you keep on believing.
The dream that you wish, Will Come True"