Where has the time gone?!

Well Hello!!

I do apologise for my lack of posting the past week or so- it's unforgivable I know, but still, Sorry!

Turns out I've got a sore throat again :( So I've not really felt like doing much. Bad timing really as Mum has been trying to sort out what clothes I want to take with me so that we can get everything washed ready for packing.
I think we have done quite well though, we have loads of stuff in the suitcase, but it's not quite "packed" exactly. Some stuff needs taking out, vacuum packing, rearranging etc.

On Saturday I did go into Brighton and change my money into dollars though! My Aunty has been kind enough to give me a somewhat loan of emergency money, should I need it. But she said I can always give some/all of it back to her when her and Mum come out to visit in November. The exchange rate was actually really good. I'd been keeping an eye on it the past few days and it was $1.57, $1.58 but I got mine for $1.6167 to each £1. Brilliant!

My Kindle arrived on Wednesday, and I've already read a book on it. It's so light and easy to use. Nothing replaces reading a good old book, but for sheer ease and comfort it's great. And then on Thursday the opticians rang to say my contacts had been delivered!! Woohooo!!! So that's all 6months worth, and I got a couple of 2 week bottles of solution, so I'll take one with me and then buy some out there :)

So yes, everything is pretty set now. Oh and I'm anticipating alot of questions from Americans about the royal wedding! It was lovely to watch.. I had it on in the background basically all day. I hope the decorations at the UK pavillion are still up for our arrival!! It's getting so close now. It's down to counting the hours now that I have left at home and I'm getting really sentimental about stuff :( I'm really trying to battle that lump in my throat when I get too emotional. It's stupid, but I think part of me is so worried it will be like my first few weeks at Uni- which were a nightmare. (I got put to live in a B&B with no other students, as they hadn't got enough rooms for us. I knew no-one for weeks, in the middle of nowhere in a strange place.) I know it won't be anything like that, that's just the last time that I had to go through such an uprooting.

Well I started upbeat then.. it just went a bit downhill!! I really need to double and triple check all my paperwork. And print up instructions for my Aunty on how to send emails, use Skype etc... I have told her before, but she sometimes forgets. I think that's it for now... so close now! Honestly, time has flown by so quick!

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