So long, farwell, auf wierdersein, goodbye

I can't believe how quickly time has passed in the past few weeks/days/hours.

I found out that I was going to Disney 7 weeks ago. And although that was plenty of time to get everything sorted to go, I haven't really come to terms with the fact I am going to Disney!

And then this past week, I had planned to do so much stuff, but I've been on autopilot. Getting contacts sorted, money changed etc. And then today came, and again- autopilot. I sorted clothes again, unpacked what was in suitcase and then packed properly (with ALOT of help from Mum of course).
And then suddenly it was 7.30pm so I went up to my friend Ben's house to see him, his girlfriend (who I'm quite good friends with), and their son (my Godson) Zac. When I got there, there was Miranda (Ben's sister), Gen, Dylan, Alex and Ben's Mum. Although I didn't get time to talk to everyone individually; I did get time to cuddle Zac and hang out with them all as they started watching a film. I decided to leave at about 9.30 and just said bye to Gen and slipped out the door so they could carry on watching the film. Ben followed me out and gave me a hug, then his girlfriend Catherine, and then Miranda! So although I didn't want to disturb them, some got up to say goodbye anyway! There were no tears, I just said see you later/soon. I haven't been able to say actual "Goodbye" to anyone really.

On Saturday my friend Abi from Uni dropped by for a quick catch up and goodbye. It was really good to just sit and chat. I haven't been able to say goodbye to a lot of my friends as there has been so much stuff been going on. But also I don't really think I do big goodbyes, I just slip away quietly.

As I said, I don't think I've actually thought about leaving. I just don't think I can- I'll get too upset. I'd rather just deal with things as they happen. I've just been thinking "I need to pack" which has taken me all until now. Now I'm updating and charging ipod, phone, kindle etc. Even though I'm taking my laptop with me...

So now its 2am, I have to be up at 5.30, taxi arrives at 6.30 to go to the airport. Wow. The adventure begins.

I will try to update as soon as possible, but as you will probably expect- the next few days are going to be insanely busy, with hardly any sleep. So stay tuned, wish me luck, and if you're already out there I think I'll definitely need a hug after the emotions of today :( uh oh.. here come the waterworks!

See you real soon Orlando!

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