Regular blogging

So today I decided to set my alarm for 10.30 am. What-a mistake-a to make-a! I ended up sleeping until 12 anyway as I didn't have to be in work until 2.
So I just lay in bed for a bit, watched some Michael McIntyre, got ready, got into costume and set off for work.

Work was pretty good, just a few of us in today. I think I'm getting a lot more confident with closing. Lauren trusted me to do a lot of it by myself, which is a big sign of her faith in me!! I hope I am picking up things quite fast, and that they aren't tired of training me already. I also sold another frame today- woohoo!! I'm getting a lot more confident with that too.
Anyhow after work we braced the horror that is the 9.43pm bus. It is literally everyone pushing for dear life to get on that bus. But Lauren and I managed to get seats and then (after a Superman style change of clothes) set off for McDonalds. It's no surprise that after a closing shift you can't be bothered to actually cook any dinner, it's fast food all the way!!

So now I'm back at the apartment, just writing this up quickly before I head to bed. Trying to prove that I can update you on a daily basis :) I am trying!! But I need to get to bed as I'm very tired!

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