A long time coming...

It's been over 5 years since I decided to start a blog to document my Disney journey. It still amazes me when I check in here how many people continue to view this blog given my distinct lack of posting once my Cultural Rep Program began. And for that I thank you, whoever you are, that still drop in to visit.

So I just wanted to do a quick update. I began my program in Walt Disney World May 3rd 2011, and spent 11 1/2 wonderful months with truly amazing people on April 25th my journey came to an end... or did it?

Towards the end of my program, around January, I felt truly settled in and had become so at home with the work I was doing, and my friendship group. In a situation like that, especially over Christmas, it's amazing how a group of people can come together to support each other, and that's when they stop being just friends but become more like family.

Given that one of the lovely girls I worked with had chosen to extend her program beyond my end date, I thought that my chances for an extension had been dashed and so I started to plan my return back home to the UK. My Mum and Aunt had decided to budget well, being that the end of April is my Mums birthday and May 13th is mine, they would come out to Florida for a couple of weeks holiday to celebrate and help me home with all my luggage! I wish I'd have hung on a little longer, as around February my boss contacted me and asked if I would like to extend my program for a further 3 months. This would have been an amazing opportunity and chance to spend time with amazing people. But as my flights and hotels were already booked it just couldn't happen. Gutted.

And so, around May 18th? I flew home. Mum, Aunt, 5 suitcases and a lot of memories in tow.
Coming back to the UK is a massive shock. Re-acclimatising to the culture, weather and yes even the language took it's toll! I was accused of having an American accent, being absolutely freezing constantly and gradually adjusting back to using British slang.

A few weeks after returning to the UK I began looking for work. I was completely stumped as to what I wanted to do, where I wanted to go. Did I want to utilise my degree? Or find any job to keep e ticking over until I could find out what to do with myself.

Of course I found myself at the doors of The Disney Store. Given my experience the manager took me on for an 8 hour per week contract (!!!) with the promise of more hours when available. I did manage to get more hours, more about my experiences there another time.

After 18 months at the glorious Disney Store I left to return to Walt Disney World, back on the Cultural Representative Program and back to HRC. I was lucky enough to be chosen again and my boss automatically gave me an extension and signed me up for 15 months. And on December 2nd 2013 I flew out to begin another program. Again I was blessed to meet some amazing people from far and wide. But sadly again on February 20th 2015 that program again came to an end.

That brings me here. I didn't manage to write a blog for my second program. Nor did I feel able to update this one given how appallingly long it had been since my last update..

I have truly been missing Disney and my life there so much. I keep in regular touch with friends I met there, however nothing compares to the close knit friendships we had there. I've found so many photos that I haven't even posted to Facebook. But it seems criminal to just have them in a folder never looked at. 

So that's my big idea for this blog!! To share photos and memories. I hope to put them on regularly, but unfortunately no promises! I hope that they are entertaining.. but I must admit to having no professional photo editing software so please forgive the amateur style.

And so that's it. Thanks if you have read this far! Thanks again for continuing to read! And I hope you enjoy some of what's to come :) 

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